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Tech Leader Talks - International Women’s Day Celebration

Tech Leader Talks panel L-R: Becca Anderton, Sharon Furey, Tripti Anil, Zerrin Waller, Zahraa Murtaza

Last week we held a truly inspiring lunchtime panel for our Tech Leader Talk, as part of International Women’s Day. The theme for this year’s IWD is ‘Accelerate Action’ - and this is exactly what we do through our Digital Her programme, because awareness without action will not create change. 

The event was introduced by Emma Grant, Head of Programmes at Manchester Digital, who welcomed the room and talked about our Digital Her programme and how important it is for the industry to support grassroots initiatives that show results. 

She said that it’s important to remember that we heard from these women because they are outstanding at their jobs, and just happen to be women. Everyone on the panel (and all the women behind the scenes who made this happen too) are true role models to other women.

Emma Grant, Head of Programmes at Manchester Digital

This afternoon’s panel discussed how much work we collectively still need to do as an industry to bring in women into the tech industry, but also to retain women in the tech industry and support them into leadership roles. 

However, the discussion also showed us just how much women support each other and lift each other up - exemplified by the amazing woman who gave up their time this afternoon to talk through their own personal journeys, their insights and their thoughts on how to encourage more women into senior roles. 

The panel was hosted by Becca Anderton, Head of Engineering at hedgehog lab and the panel included: 

  • Sharon Furey, Head of Investment at Sky Media UK
  • Tripti Anil, Senior Manager, Data Analytics Delivery at Kellanova 
  • Zerrin Waller, UKIMEA Director, Data Services & Storage Presales at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Zahraa Murtaza, Senior Vice President, Agile Coach at BNY

Becca Anderton, hedgehog lab
Becca kicked off the discussion by asking, “The tech industry and technology overall is fast-paced - how do you stay ahead of the curve?”

Sharon said: “It’s really easy to get bogged down, but you do have to look outside your day job. Always look at the bigger picture, look at what competitors are doing and always remain curious.”

Becca then posed the question, what is one piece of advice you would give to another woman aspiring to join the tech industry? 

Zerrin said: “We talk about mentoring and coaching, but sponsorship is something I feel very passionate about. Females have strengths behind closed doors, but don’t always want to push themselves forward. Other people, as a sponsor, can speak up for you and push you forward.”

Tripti said, “Career mapping is really important - make sure you create an individual development plan. This involves looking at what interests you for the next 18 months, looking at where you are headed. What are experience gaps or skills gaps do you have and who do you need to go and speak to? Once you have all this information, the plan then writes itself. Building the right career crew of right sponsors and stakeholders is as important as working on sharpening the saw and keeping at pace with fast paced technological advancements. Don’t be afraid to ask for funding for specific courses or self fund them if that’s an option.”

Tripti Anil, Kellanova

Zahraa added, “It’s important to use what could be perceived as a weakness to your advantage. Young women are often seen as invisible. Use that as your strength to sit, listen and learn.”

Sharon added to this, “You’ve got to make your voice heard, which can be hard to do. Repeat yourself, if no one has heard you or listened to you.”

Becca also asked, what mindsets have helped you break through barriers while staying true to yourself? Zahraa responded, “I didn’t see the gender gap at first as there are more females in junior roles. But in senior roles it’s much more noticeable. However, I’d always advise people to be their authentic selves.” 

Becca moved on to ask about how businesses can do better to retain women in senior roles? All four women on the panel said that flexibility was really important to any job role at the moment. During Covid, this showed us that people can work flexibly, they can work from home and they can be productive. On top of this, flexibility can benefit everyone in the sector, not just women or working mothers. 

Becca then asked how the industry can be more inclusive in broader terms? Sharon said, “I’m inherently working class so diversity is not just about gender, and it can be hidden. But being from a working class background affects how I think, so this is another aspect to consider when you want to have a diverse workforce.”

Zerrin Waller, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Lastly, the panel was asked to give one piece of advice to a woman who aspired to be a leader. This is what they said: 

Zahraa: “It’s draining to not be yourself in work, so be your authentic self. Also, I found someone different to me as my mentor so I could learn from a different view point, which is really helpful.”

Zahraa Murtaza, BNYZerrin: “Make it clear what you want and have personal development plans. Be clear on what you want and own it.”

Tripti: “Look at your limiting beliefs, invest some time to reflect on your limiting beliefs. This is an inward journey as much as an outward journey.” 

Sharon: “Be clear about what you want. Don’t focus on being someone you're not and concentrate on what you can do.”

Sharon Furey, Sky Media UK

We’d like to say a huge thanks to our main event sponsor hedgehog lab.  

We’d also like to say thanks to Bruntwood SciTech and Feast and Flow for supporting the event. 

Where are all the Black women in tech? 

This is a new ecosystem collaboration between Manchester Digital, Beetroot Consulting and Manchester City Council. The aim is to co-create a vision of an inclusive, empowering, and supportive tech ecosystem and the tools to accelerate action —and we need the right voices. 

Find more about this research initiative:

Women in tech - mentees and mentors wanted 

Whether you are women in her early stage tech career looking for a mentor,or in tech or a woman with more professional experience keen to pay it forward as a mentor we want to hear from you. 

Register your interest now for cohort 3 of MentorHER here:

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